Why get braces?

Braces do more than create a perfect smile, though braces do that very well.  Most people elect to get braces to straighten crowded teeth, and make themselves feel more confident.  But there’s more to it than that.


I’ll list below a few conditions that braces corrects:

Overbite: upper teeth are far ahead of lower teeth

When this is excessive, braces can do much to improve someone’s appearance and function.


Underbite:  lower teeth are in front of upper teeth

Correcting this greatly improves individuals’ appearance and improves the bite or how the teeth fit together.


Open bite: top and bottom teeth don’t overlap

Correcting this allows teeth to overlap properly and to bite into food in the front part of the mouth.

Leslie before

I hope these 3 conditions posted above help you understand that braces do more than straighten.  Yes, braces allow ideal biting in the front and back of the mouth.  So, you get a lovely smile — what most people originally seek — and a well-fitting bite — something that will give you life-long benefit.


Author: Neal Jones

I have been practicing orthodontics since 12/08. My team and I work diligently to make many people smile throughout Southern Arizona.

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